Prices - Traffic Harbour - Struer Harbour

Prices 2023

Moorage charges

Prices in DKK

Per call, per. BT


Monthly charge per BT


Rute vessels per BT


Electricity prices

Prices in DKK

Per KWh


Connection charges, per day


Connection charges, per month


Pricing for the acceptance of waste/garbage

Prices in DKK

Receive waste/garbage

actual costs + 10%

Prices for entrance or exit of goods and goods which are not loaded or unloaded to ship

Prices in DKK

Per tonne


Rent of water expanse 

Prices in DKK

Per GT, per month 36,96
Minimum charge 882,00
Space rental

Prices in DKK

At quay, per square metre 18,29
Away from quay, per square metre 12,08
Crane and tug rental

Prices in DKK

Polygrab, per hour 1.205,00
PLM, contracting work, per hour 1.727,00
Temporary space rental (per month) Prices in DKK
Tarif I at quay, per square metre 6,70
Tariff II away from quay, per square metre 3,98
Water Prices in DKK 
Per cubic metre (min 10 cubic metre) 44,92 
Waiting time, overtime, notice, ect.

Prices in DKK

Crane operator, incl. crane supplement, per hour 680,00
 - 50 % overtime supplement, per hour 157,00
 - 100 % overtime supplement, per hour 313,00
Noticing supplement, per hour 66,00
Call, weekdays before 19.00, per hourg 270,00
Call, after 19.00 and holidays, per hour 473,00
Tractor, per hour 575,00
Caterpillar with sweeper, crane arm or bucket, per hour 889,00
Discharge of sanitary water, per m3 14,54
Discharge of oil waste, per m3 2.989,00
Cost of loading and unloading of goods via the quays (in 1000 tonnes)  0 - 15  15 - 25  25 - 35  35 - 45  45 + 
Rate of normal tariff   100 %   95 %   90 %   85 %   80 %
Maximum tariff, DKK



17,84 16,85 15,86
Medium tariff, DKK 12,97 12,32 11,67 11,02 10,37
Minimum tariff, DKK 6,29 5,97 5,66 5,34 5,03
Oil and petrocoke, DKK 19,96 18,96 17,96 16,96 15,97
Fish mussels and shellfish discharged from fishing vessels and well smacks 2,5 % of the load value
Shrimps discharged frozen or packed DKK 26,65 / ton brutto

Terms of payment 

Arrears will be claimed by the collection department of the city of Struer.
Reminders of arrears will release a fee. Further, 1% of interest will be charged per month starting from the day of invoice.
This is in accordance to law nr. 939 of the 27/12/91 concerning services offered by cities and other official authorities.